Code Block |
import com.amethon.mc.ws.stubs.Message; import com.amethon.mc.ws.stubs.SMSOption; import com.amethon.mc.ws.stubs.SMSServiceServiceLocator; import com.amethon.mc.ws.stubs.SMSServiceSoapBindingStub; public class SMSReceiveClient { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SMSServiceServiceLocator serviceLocator = new SMSServiceServiceLocator(); SMSServiceSoapBindingStub smsService = (SMSServiceSoapBindingStub)serviceLocator.getSMSService(); String username = "username@example.com"; String password = "password"; String documentId; // Stop if there is no arguments supplied if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println("Required option missing: Document-Id"); System.exit(1); } // documentId is passed as first argument to program documentId = args[0]; // create a documentId option SMSOption documentIdOption = new SMSOption(); documentIdOption.setName("document-id"); documentIdOption.setValue(args[0]); SMSOption[] receiveOptions = {documentIdOption}; // poll for messages received passing in the documentId option Message[] receivedMessages = smsService.receive(username, password, receiveOptions); // iterate over the received Message array for (Message receivedMessage : receivedMessages) { // Gets the source address and message body assuming its ASCII text String source = receivedMessage.getDestinations()[0].getSourceAddress().getValue(); String subject = receivedMessage.getSubject(); if (subject != null) { // The subject usually contains a error code if it is set System.out.println("Received message from " + source + " : " + subject); } else { // Get the message and print it out String message = receivedMessage.getBody().getPayloads()[0].getContent(); System.out.println(source + " : " + message); } } System.exit(0); } } |
Running the receive application returns the following result,
Code Block |
$ java -cp .:./lib/mc-client.jar:./lib/axis.jar:./lib/jaxrpc.jar:./lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:./lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar:./lib/saaj.jar:./lib/wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar SMSReceiveClient 5682808080808080808080808080ECB501
61423282862 : this is the reply