Missing status codes: 4 (deleted), 6 (accepted), 7 (invalid, removed in favour of more detailed statuses below). 9 (pending)
Status code | Meaning | When? |
-101 | No username |
-102 | No password |
-103 | No document id |
-104 | Invalid recipient | Recipient number invalid |
-105 | Invalid source | Sender number invalid |
-106 | Empty text | SMS text was empty |
-107 | Missing sender or replyTo | Both sender and replyTo value were missing. Exactly of them should be present. |
-108 | Both sender and replyTo provided | Both sender and replyTo were provided. Exactly one of them is allowed. |
-200 | Invalid username/password | Last event: "invalid username/pass" |
-201 | User disabled | Last event: "user disabled" |
-210 | Insufficient credits | Last event: "no credits" |
-230 | Document ID not matched | User does not have rights to check message status |
-240 | Invalid (not supported) replyTo value | |
-910 | SMSC error | Last event: "send failure" |
-999 | Internal error |