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url: http://intellisms/services/rest/customer-user/create

method: POST


Important: parameter names are case sensitive. So userName is ok, but username isn't.

namedescriptionexample valuevalidation rules
contactNameUser's contact nameJohn Doenone
emailUser's e-mail.john@doe.comoptional, but if provided must be a valid e-mail
userNameusername of the user to be created.1212412@testResellerrequired, can't contain spaces. For the phone applications we will use customer@reseller as the username.
customerName of customerexampleCustomerrequired, can't contain spaces and '@'. Customer with given name must not exist
resellerName of resellerresellerNamerequired, can't contain spaces and '@'. Reseller with given name must exist
phoneNumberPhone number to contact with user999444111optional, can contain only +, " " and digits, no other validation
applyFreeCreditsflag indicating whether we should add free credits to accountfalserequired, value must be either "true" or "false", case insensitive
