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Table of Contents


namedescriptionexample valuevalidation rules
usernameusername of the user to be created.1212412@testResellerrequired, can't contain spaces
resellerNameName of resellerresellerNamerequired, can't contain spaces and '@'. Reseller with given name must exist
resellerPasswordReseller passwordpasswordrequired for authentication
customerIdID of the customer5a4e96a030046095c7ef280fmust be a valid Mongo ObjectId, the customer with the given ID has to exist
emailUser's e-mail.john@doe.comrequired, must be a valid e-mail
phoneNumberPhone number to contact with user999444111required, can contain only +, " " and digits, no other validation
finalStatusPushPush notification type for final message statuses
{"type": "URL", "data": {"url": ""}}

optional, if present - must be a valid JSON with a typefield defining the notification type and an optional datafield with details of the given notification type; the supported notification types are:

  • URL: {"type": "URL", "data": {"url": ""}}
  • e-mail: {"type": "EMAIL", "data": {"to": "", "subject": "Message subject", "body": "Message body"}}
  • SMPP: {"type": "SMPP"}
swappingSourceAddressAllowedFlag indicating whether the source address can be swappedtrue

optional, value must be either "true" or "false", case insensitive, default: "false"

sourceAddressSource address to be used when the sender is absent from the original message48123456789

optional, if present must be either of:

  • 3-16 digits
  • 2-11 characters if any non-digit valid GSM character is present


namedescriptionexample valuevalidation rules
namename of the customer to be createdtest-customerrequired, can't contain spaces. Customer with given name must not exist.
resellerNameName of resellerresellerNamerequired, can't contain spaces and '@'. Reseller with given name must exist
resellerPasswordReseller passwordpasswordrequired for authentication
integrationIdID of the integrationintegrationIdRequired
rotationAlgorithmRotation algoritgmMAX_ROTATIONoptional, if present - must be one of: CONVERSATIONMAX_ROTATION; default: MAX_ROTATION
billingTypeBilling typePRE_PAIDoptional, if present - must be one of: PRE_PAIDPOST_PAID; default: POST_PAID even is reseller Default billing type is Pre-Paid
moChargeMO charge420optional, if present - must be a valid integer; default: 0
sourceAddressSource address to be used when the sender is absent from the original message and no source address is defined for the user sending the message48123456789

optional, if present must be either of:

  • 3-16 digits
  • 2-11 characters if any non-digit valid GSM character is present
