Code Block |
https://primary.smartmessagingservices.net/gateway/services/SMSService?method=getBalanceaddCredits &username=admin.username&password=youradmin.password&groupname=your.customersgroupname &credits=amountofcreditstoadd |
original character | url encoded |
(space) | + |
+ | %2B |
A documentId is returned which can then be used to query the status of the submitted SMS.
method | parameters | return |
addCredits | (String username, String password, String groupNamegroupname, int credits); | int creditsAdded int newBalance, int statusCode, string groupName |
The response contains the group name, status of the transaction and the new balance after the credits have been applied.
Attributes | Description |
credits | can only be a position whole number |
groupName groupname | must be a subgroup of the group belonging to the username and password - is case sensitive and must be an exact match |
Error | Code | Description |
ERR_INVUSERNAME | -101 | When no username is passed in |
ERR_INVPASSWD | -102 | When no password is passed in |
ERR_INVXML | -110 | incoming XML document format incorrect |
ERR_INVAAA | -200 | Incorrect username/password |
ERR_NOGROUP | -203 | Group Name does not exist |
ERR_ACTINACTIVE | -201 | username inactive |
ERR_INVSERVICE | -211 | requested service not supported for this account |
ERR_NOSERVICE | -900 | service not available |
ERR_INTERNALERROR | -999 | Thrown when a error occurred for some generic reason when processing a request |