Method addCredits to Add Credits to a Group
This provides the capability to via api to add credits to a group. &username=admin.username&password=youradmin.password&groupname=your.customersgroupname&credits=amountofcreditstoadd
*Please note that when using the HTTP Get method you must url encode any special characters
original character |
url encoded |
(space) |
+ |
+ |
%2B |
A documentId is returned which can then be used to query the status of the submitted SMS.
method |
parameters |
return |
addCredits |
(String username, String password, String groupName, int credits); |
int creditsAdded, int statusCode, string groupName |
Attributes |
Description |
credits |
can only be a position whole number |
groupName |
must be a subgroup of the group belonging to the username and password - is case sensitive and must be an exact match |
Error Codes Returned