
Connecting a Automation to Intelli Messaging to send a message.

Add field new “SMS Message” to the contacts:

Click the “+” on the top right and select custom field. Add Field -> Lead Field.
It needs to be named “SMS Message” and choose “Text area” for field type

Create a new List

For the example we will name ithe new list “Send SMS”

Go to Lists in the menu and click the new list in the cog menu

Add Contacts to the Send SMS list:

Go to the Contacts and select any contacts you want in the list. Click the Add to List button (pictured below) and select the Send SMS list

Create an Action Group

Go to Automation -> Action Group and Create a new Event-based Action Group. It is important that it is made repeateable.

In the action group you will need two actions: “change contact field” and “post back lead info”


For the action “Change contact field” you will set the SMS Message property on the contact to be the message you want the contacts to receive.

You will need the SMS API username and password from the Message Sender “SMS Gateway Connection Settings” in Intelli Messaging

https://smartmessagingservices.net/api/SharpSpringWebhook?username=<SMS API Username>&password=<SMS Api Username>

for example if the SMS User was John and the password was ThisIsJohnsPassword the url would be:


Integration settings required and how to setup the integration record key.

Information required:

To get the UserId go to Settings and select User Accounts

Click the user you want and get the id number from the browser’s url:


Get the AccountID and the SecretKey from the API settings page. Go to Settings and under “Constant Contact API” click Api Settings

Create a new Integration from the Message Senders page for SharpSpring

Add the following details:

Key: the Secret Key from Sharpspring
Account ID: the Account ID from Sharpspring
IntegrationUserId: the id obtained from the url in step #
IntegratedRecordName: the User’s Full Name goes here
CreateIntergratedAppActivityOnSMSSend: Select this checkbox to get call logs in

Running the Send SMS

To Send an SMS you’ll need a message in the SMS Message field and a “Post Lead Info” from a Workflow or Action Group.

If you’ve created the Action Group and the List just like the above steps then you can do the following to send out messages:

  1. Add any Contacts to the List

  2. Schedulee Action Group for the list as below