Contact Out Opt Mechanisms

Contact Out Opt Mechanisms


We offer two processes for your contacts to be able to opt out when you send via SMS or MMS

  1. Reply with the word “Stop”

  2. Insert an opt out link in the message


Reply Stop

Stop is a reserved special keyword in our system for processing opt out replies to outbound messages. it will only work where reply messaging is enabled. This is when you send a message from our system with the source address set as one of the following.

  1. a virtual mobile number leased from us.

  2. a mock virtual mobile configured by us for you.

  3. You set the Source address as “2way Shared - Virtual Number Pool”

If you are send the message using a Alpha Source address this process will not work.


Opt Out Link

In your message you add the following Token {{unsubscribe}} where you want the opt out link to go. when the message is sent this Token gets replaced with a shortened url like the followinghttps://i-s.ms/FWbH9K9vYcKT". This link is 27 characters long. When the recipient clicks on this link they will be taken to a page confirming that they have been opted out.

The advantage using this method is that you can send your Outbound messages with an alpha source address eg - your business name and still provide a way for your message recipients to opt out without using too many characters in you 160 character message.


Sending Email

Email has only one opt option and that is the insertion of an opt out hyperlink into the email message.

Place the token {{unsubscribe}} at the location you which to place the opt out link in your email.

the hyperlink is set on the word unsubscribe


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