Save the record when you have finished editing your messages
An Important note on the TimeZone used when sending Appointment Reminders.
Timezone determination for a destination address is key to presenting the appointment date time in the attendees local time. Unfortunately with the information we get from Pipedrive it is not always possible to accurately determine the attendees timezone. We determine the country from the attendees mobile number. If you set a Timezone against your Settings record and if the attendees phone is for the same country as you set, we then use your set Timezone as the local Timezone for the attendee. If the above condition is not meet we use a default timezone for the country of the attendees. We write the timezone used into the appointment reminder message beside the appointment date-time.
Create SMS for New SMS Activities
Please review the rest of our help documentation to explore the other features of this application - they include; Simple Sending, MMS messaging, NPS SurverysSurveys, Integration APIs, Email Campaigns, Email sending and Receiving, Import to Send and Mobile Number Look up service (HLR). For activation additional features please contact us.