Getting Connected to Your Pipedrive Account

Initiate the process from in Pipedrive

  1. Click the install button from our Market Place Application in Pipedrive.

  2. You will be re-directed to our Application Login page.

  3. If you don't have an account click the register link, fill in your details and submit the form.

  4. Login into our application immediately or the Pipedrive account activation token will expire and the installation will not happen.  You can alway repeat this process if the installation does not complete.

  5. If you have just registered an account check your email for an account confirmation email - email are sent from  You must activate your account.

  6. log out and log back in to see the activated left menu items.

  7. Goto the setting page (Top menu item) and scroll down to the section "Connected Applications".  If installation was complete you will see an item for Application "Pipedrive". Click the "settings" link on this line to activate features. Save your setting changes.

  8. Your are now ready to test our application

  9. For full account activation (to be able to purchase message sending credits) please contact us at or call us on 1300 015 013 or +61 3 9999 7762.  Will need to confirm your identity.

Initiate the Process from your Intelli Account

To Connect your Pipedrive account with Intelli SMS app account we recommend that you do the following

  1. Login into your Intelli Account.

This process will not work if your top menu looks like this once logged in

This means your user is a Customer User and Pipedrive connection does not work for Customer Users. Please contact us to create an Appropriate user account for you or alter your existing one.

If once you are logged in your top menu looks like this

Then you can proceed.

2. Goto the Settings page and scroll down the “Connected Applications” settings

3. Click the Add Integrations button.

You will be redirected to Pipedrive where you either need to be already logged in or you will be asked to login. The account you log into will be the one that gets connected to your Intelli Account.

We recommend that if you are the first person from your Pipedrive Company to connect to your Intelli SMS account that you be an administrator user in Pipedrive. Some Intelli/Pripedrive features can only be activated by Pipedrive admin users.

4. You will ask to accept the connection with Pipedrive including the Application access that our application requires. The Admin access requested in Pipedrive is so we can setup webhooks in Pipedrive that push Activities and Person details to our system.

5. Return to the Intelli SMS app and return to your settings page. Your need to configure the features you wish to use.

Your connected applications should now look like this

Setup Your Pipedrive Features

Click on the edit link on your Connected Application record to Setup your features

Notes on the Settings

Setting Name

What is it


this is when your access refresh will expire. Each we call you account token expiry is extended. It will expire after 60 days if there is not account activity. Your account will require re-setup if this happens


This is the refresh communication token


you Pipedrive account domain - we use it to call your account


Records that can be synchronised to Intelli sms app.

Integrated Record Name

it is user Pipedrive user that is connected to our application and so the record name shown is your user’s Name in Pipedrive


shows checked if you user is an admin user in Pipedrive


Set to true for Pipedrive integrations as Pipedrive has filters that can be used when getting people data. This flag allows you to use those filters in our app.

Synchronise Pipedrive People to Intelli SMS app Contacts

This feature is turned on by checking flag “SyncContacts”.

You can choose to sync records selected from a filter in Pipedrive so only a some People records are copied into our system. To do this select an option in the select list “FilterIdForRecordSync“

All future new People records you create in Pipedrive will be pushed to our system and added to you Contact list. Updates to People records are also pushed to our system. Your Contract record in our system will be updated.

To sync the existing contacts you must first set the SyncContacts flag and save it - then go back into settings and click on the “Sync Contacts” button near the top right of settings information.

Send Appointment Reminders

When this flag is checked any Meeting Activity that you create in Pipedrive will create a scheduled sms record in our system to the People assigned to the meeting activity that have a valid mobile number set against.

When you check this flag a “Message Process Automation Setting” is created. This is shown in your Settings page, see image below.

You need to edit this record to set the message contents on Appointment Reminder messages. Default values are set by our system when the record is created.

Click the edit link in the record.

Here you can change the message for the different sending scenarios and set the minutes before the meeting that the reminder will be send.

the words in {{}} are replacement tokens for values the system puts in the message. They must be written exactly as per the examples. you can use

{{firstName}}, {{lastName}}, {{topic}},{{setterName}}, {{appointmentDateTime}},{{oldAppointmentTime}}


data substituted for token


attendee first name from Pipedrive


attendee last name from Pipedrive


subject of the activity in Pipedrive


First name of your user in Pipedrive


DateTime of your appointment in your Local time zone as set in your account settings in the Intelli SMS Application


The old appointment date time - used for Change messages only - {{appointmentDateTime}} is the new date time of the meeting.

Save the record when you have finished editing your messages

Create SMS for New SMS Activities

Checking this flag on your Settings creates and SMS activity type in your Pipedrive account. When you create an Activity of type SMS and scheduled sms message will be create in the Intelli SMS application. When you create this activity in Pipedrive enter you message in the notes field of the activity.

the message bubble icon is you new activity type. Note the message in the notes field “This is a test SMS message“. This is the message content that will be sent by the message. The Schedule delivery time for the sms will be start date time of the activity.

Sending Messages to a Filter List of Pipedrive People

Use or SMSCampaign sending option to send messages by selecting a Pipedrive person filter.

Our system queries Pipedrive for the list of people that the filter returns and sends a message to each of them.

SMSCampaigns is accessed from our side menu. Create a new campaign record and select an integrated app filter. see the image below. More detail about using the campaigns feature can be found here SMS Campaigns

Finding Messaging Sent and Scheduled to be sent

Most SMS messages initiated from Pipedrive will be for delivery in the future and will thus be scheduled messages. Schedule message and Send message are shown in different reports

Scheduled Messages

The top menu Reports has a drop down list of reports - select “Scheduled Messages” to review message scheduled for delivery.

This page lets you view and delete your scheduled messages.

Sent Messages

Theses can be viewed from the top menu Reports>Messages

Other SMS and Application Features

Please review the rest of our help documentation to explore the other features of this application - they include; Simple Sending, MMS messaging, NPS Surverys, Integration APIs, Email Campaigns, Email sending and Receiving, Import to Send and Mobile Number Look up service (HLR). For activation additional features please contact us.