Push MMS MO message to Http Post Service

Our service will push All Message Received via the Telstra Message Service to an http POST service hosted by the Customer.  This includes both SMS and MMS.   

If requires a Default forwardto record/keyword type of URL and with the customer's service URL to be setup by Support.   URL should be the full service address with no parameters included. 

message structure is application/json and the raw body contains a JSON string of the following structure:

Body Content in Json String

Field NameTypeExample/Notes
statusstringWill alway be "ACCEPTD"
tostringinternational format of the MSISDN the message was sent to eg your virtual mobile number
fromstring international format of the MSISDN the message was sent from - mobile handset number.
subjectstringmax 61 characters - message subject as written by the handset owner.   this value is empty for SMS messages
bodystringbody text of the MMS message
MMSContentList<MMSContent>List of message file content.  Will either of an array of zero or one.   We only record and store one message file content per message.


Field NameTypeExample/Notes
TypestringMIME content type of the file eg "image/jpeg"
Filenamestring filename for the image
Payloadstringfile payload is base64encoded image byte[] data expressed in string format.  

JSON Example

	"subject":"This is my subject",
	"body":"MMS message body",

for SMS messages Payload will be "Payload":[]