Receive Replied To Message

Receive Replied To Message

The gateway is able to recieve MO messages and route them to appropriate use/account where the MO message has been a reply to MT message sent from the gateway. All SMS messages received by the gateway in this method can be forwarded in one of the following ways. For each received message we know the following:

  • sender: the number of the person who sent the message
  • recipients: the number to which the message was sent (this is the hosted number)
  • the MessageCores Customer's custom attributes of the original outgoing message (determined by the intelligent routing methods)
  • text: the SMS message text


An email is sent to the address defined in the "replyto" parameter of the original gateway request for the MT message when a reply SMS message is recieve by the gateway.  The "reply to" address must have been set in clients call to the gateway when the MT message send request was made.  The email will appear to come from phoneNumber@amethon.net (eg 61401238025@amethon.net). It's subject will be "SMS Reply" and the email body will contain the SMS text.  An example of the email message detail is below; The custom attribute and value for the original MT message in the case below is myid=peter 

peter@mycompany.com.au?myid=peter&subject=SMS Reply&body=box+collected%5Cn+---in+reply+to---+%5CnPlease+collect+box+at+30+lorimer+street:address=6141441441


A remote URL can be called passing as parameters the sender, recipient and SMS text details. Eg http://www.company.com/receive.asp?sender=61401238025&recipient=61414414414&message=box+collected%5Cn+---in+reply+to---+
