Using Data Import to Manage Contacts


You can perform bulk contact operations by importing contact data.  Data can also be exported - modified in excel then re-imported as a .csv file.

SMS Home > Contacts > Import

Import Contact File

Options and Required Values






Notification email address for return of errors and completion notice


Country for number validation


if you have more that one AppSender select the right one.

Import Type

Select one of the following

AddNew - add as new contact to existing contact records

OptOut - Must have col. D set to = TRUE. Will opt out existing matching numbers in contact list. 

AddNewAndDeleteOld - deletes all existing contact records then creates new one based on the list.

Update - updates contact records with information provided - blank data fields will be set to blank in contact record.



To Import new Categories:

1. Export the full contact list.

2. Add new Category name(s) to column H.

3. When importing, Select Import Type 'Add New & Delete Old'.

  • This will delete the old record and replace it with your updated contact.



Import File Fields and format.

File needs to in .csv format.